AMSTERDAM IS A CITY OF BIKES...The City in the entire world that has 1,000,000 bikes and only 700,000 people! The city loves Bikes and the newest 3 month old is a tiny place with a Lovely Heart of Friendliness and Fun...appropriately named BIKE IS READY! Jump on tram 13 and jump off at Nieuwezijds Kolk...... walk direction away from Central Station and 50 meters on the right hand side...100 brand new Blue Bikes, The Cheapest in the entire city...mention EmmeAnesBook and receive 1Euro off from the Bike's Price Discounted... for instance 4 bikes 36E's 24hrs total:) 114 Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal... 020 221 73 35

Marcus, "I am from Barcelona. From Catalunya and came here a couple of years now and loved the city. I am happy because I am the owner and I can come and go as I please. I went to Barcelona last weekend. I am going on vacation in a couple of days." Joerir says, "Yes and on Thursday night we have a big Soccer Match that is what you Americans call it! and on Friday morning the bike store is open later! You know we're having fun on Thursday night!" Actually that is a quite normal thing to say!

You will LOVE the owner RINATO who is from Rome. "I came to Amsterdam 31 years. I owned a couple of restaurants mostly Italian and one Spanish ceramic importing place importing plates. Porcelain plates. And since 2004 I owned the famous Vasso. It used to have all the hunting lodge's antlers on the walls but people don't want to eat romantic fine dining having dead animals staring at them. So I threw the antlers out and now it is a classic authentic Italian restaurant. Same with the cooks. The first day I asked the Dutch cooks if they could make me spaghetti bolognese and the cook made me spaghetti with butter! I threw him out the door. The next ones lasted 2 months. Now they all come from Italy. One from Rome, Trieste, Bari. They know how to cook Italian. And of course I only carry real Italian wines. I am a Italian restaurant why would I carry French wines!"says the hilariously serious think Godfather Marlon Brando owner Rinato.

Alright check out that great food!
`My favorite when I bring people here is the Linguine. The owner of 85 Starbucks comes here to eat dinner, the owner of Tommy Hilfiger came here 3 times and recently when the American Company bought Tommy Hilfiger they brought the new owner here. The Dutch people like sitting close to each other and talking yet the Italians like not so close to each other." Rinato says. And Amsterdam? What does he treasure about Amsterdam? "I live on the canals. That is beautiful. I love the canals in the city. Yet they're expensive you know. And I fly to Rome on the weekends when I can to see the football. I love the football. And I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters that live in Rome. I love to visit.` He says.
What I loved about Vasso? you mean besides the lovely owner Rinato? The totally cool old-world style Italian designs of furniture and lighting and old-style wine placements. Charming. Real.
The actual interior of the restaurant is old-fashioned you know. It reminds me of the 1880s in Italy. The old school. The old country. The real Italians sitting around like in the movie The Godfather with Sonny in the kitchen making the meatballs and spahetti. I loved the feel and the realness of the restaurant and the CHARM of the owner, Rinato. Adorable.
Rozenboomsteeg 10 /14 |

"Although the store is a specialty store in Amlsterdam that catering to the restaurants to showcase real Italian products we do encourage people to walk in and try the food. It is all from farm to table and we use 200 farmers in Italy that are small specialty farmers for all of our products..." says the owners that I named GGs; since they're named Gessi and Gianni! They have the coolest al natural foods from Italy including the sodas' and wines. CASA DEL GUSTO AMSTERDAM

"I met my German wife while I went to university at Amsterdam and we kept in touch while I went to univeristy at the University of Alabama," says the Dutch born owner of the "only German restaurant and bar in Amsterdam. " He says "I am Bas and my wife is Wendy.
Okay the fact that my younger brother,Mat, went to U of A and wrote and directed for the Campus Media is a plus when interviewing Bas. "Yes it is a great school yet in the middle of it's own little world...just the campus and that is about it" he says.

At work at the WOW's artist in residence programs...50 residences housed each year amongst 250 international backpacking iquisitive cultured guests...
Theo Niermeijer...The Iron Poet 1940 to 2005...One of the earliest memories of the artist...born in 1940 were tanks, behemoths of armoured steel slowly rolling past. The contrast between the use of the material of these brute vehicles and Niermeijers treatment of it could hardly be bigger. On display at The WOW.
CAFE SONNEVELD is famous for the Dutch singer and comdeian Wim Sonneveld who used to live in the building, "When I saw it at the young age of 22,"says Aimee who is 27, "and the owner wanted to move to Australia, I bought the restaurant. My brother helped a couple days when I needed him and he eventually joined me. Now it is a brother and sister team. We have tons of fun. We opened the second restaurant named Brasserie de Groot which is a local restaurant and the third in progress which is named Brasserie van Noordt which will be pasta or vegatarian." EGELANTIERSGRACHT 72 0204 234 287

Alright it is true that I personally am straight...always have been straight and always future straight, however, if you want to check out the Bar in the Nederlands that won for the very best GAY BAR in NEDERLANDS from TIME OUT MAGAZINE... check out the bar named "I love Prik"... "the name it is innocent in the Netherlands and the language of Dutch," says Gerson...i the whirlpool the one on the farthest right and below the 4th one. "it means fizz like bar fizz and I know it has a tongue in cheek meaning in English. I used to buy candy and cookies for a large department store in Amsterdam and me and my partner would go out to bars and complain about them. It doesn't have this or etc. And finally one night we said we should open our own bar...and laughed. And we said okay we SHOULD open our own bar and the final completion bar is the one here. It is been here 9 years now. And it is pretty fun. I loved my old job and now I buy candy and cookies for me. But I don't miss the political corporate world. The most fun is seeing the people that come here laughing and having a good time. I am the one responsible for the cocktails too. I add spice and cinnamon in winter. And I name the cocktails too." he says.

"Everybody can come to the bar. It is a mixed bar. Yes that is true. And while most of the people coming are Gay Men we have a mixed group. Mixed and straight can come and feel comfortable and have fun. Especially on Friday and Saturday nights from 9pm to 3am. We have a free DJ and we move the furniture and everybody comes and drinks cocktails and dance. Amsterdam is a progressive city to mix people. I want everybody to accept my views and I accept everybody else's views." he says. "O and mention that my partner's name is Jelger!"


Why does every funny joke start with I walked into a bar?...That is what happened when I journeyed to the totally fun and think 42nd street Times Square New York Section of Amsterdam today..."my family has owned the bar's a long time...and each one is different...for instance the Irish one has music and the sports games you know. The Dutch bar is a typical authentic Dutch bar. IT doesn't have music since that is a real Dutch bar. Yet it has the famous whiskeys and the spirits. If you want a cocktail in any of the three bars you must visit the Green International Bar which is the only one that makes cocktails. The Dutch Bar, which is in the middle, has the traiditonal Dutch specialty that you will most likely find in only homes. It is rarely served in Restaurants, yet we have it. It is a mixture of vegatables, meat and potatoes all mashed up. That and the fact that we're right on the square makes each of the bars popular with mostly the English, Irish, Americans, and Australians." says Todd.

"the Dutch Bar named Cafe Reynders is a typical bar with old fashioned pictures of the square and of my family. Mostly the local Dutch and Germans come here. You can walk in between the bars and meet different crowds or nationalities everyday. I guess that is why I love it. Because it is like being in 3 different places since each is different and so varied in the cultures that they bring." says the young son.

Leidseplein on the 638 1408, Green Bar 0623 348 83 6
31 (0)20 5234419Cafe Reynders,

020-6387966 Rozengracht 4
"It started as my hobby and now it is my life! I focus on the wines from the Nederlands, France, Italy...the european wines."says the entertaining owner of the cool simple funky wine store right in the middle of a matter of fact just jump off the tram 13 and walk straight into the store!

"Personally when I have a dinner party at my home I bring a 1,500.00Euros bottle of wine the first round but after my guests have a couple of glasses I bring the cheaper wine."he says laughing. "Seriously after a couple of glasses you are just drinking and talking and having fun...and the wine if it is good people don't really notice the difference into the 3rd glass." Warning he is a hilariously honest character. Have fun visiting the store.
Owner tasting the wines,"The last two years I went to the International Wine Expositions at Verona and tasted some pretty good wines. In addition to that I went to Montepelier which has the International biological wines and I import 5% of my wines myself from these only. My favorite now is Sauvete, Oneiros, the one here,"and he opens it to taste winning the Gold is "Grassy!" "Yes it tastes of the grass in that region since it is a biological wine you taste different flavors,"he says.

"I really love when the tourists come in and they ask me about the wines of the Netherlands...that is why we're here"
Spuistraat 247, 1012 VP Amsterdam, tel 00312 0624 1831

"You know I worked here almost 14 years as a waitress. When My husband and me had the opportunity since I cared about the restaurant we bought it. At first I stressed...about the Public Relations and the Advertising and the people and how many oysters do we order? Yet the original owners stayed as friends and helped us. Although today if you ask me if I know how many oysters to order? After 11 years it is difficult to know. Everyday is different." Susanna admits about the responsibilities of owning a famous fish restaurant.
The famous oysters of Lucius.
020 624 1831
"Everybody who is with us
has been here a real long
time. They care and all are
involved in the day to day
activities. I never see myself
as the boss. Only as a team
player." she says.

IT IS very Romeo and Juliet the Aquarium in the funky fish restaurant of Lucius and while the service is white glove the attitude is Hey come on it wow it is great to see you...casual and comfy...I am eating on a invite tonight at 20:00pm...People always ask me if it makes me happy or uncomfortable? It depends...when people invite me to dinner I am always a little shy...yet honestly only the real good ones ever invite you to dinner! you want a writer that has 3.6million and more people reading her every month to taste awful food! Yet here I am excited since I know the oysters and seafood are the best in the country...literally maybe in all of Europe and with the most gracious of hosts in Susanna it should come to a special treat.

"I am from Turkey," says the friendly owner Ismail... O Istanbul? I ask..."Turkey," he replies. Um I say I thought Istanbul is in Turkey?..."Yes yet I am from the south..." alright and why bikes? "I love bikes. People only use bikes in the city and a little about cars yet it is expensive to park in the city. That is why people bike. and my son Ahmed has been riding a bike the last 3-1/2 years. He is the boss. At 6-1/2 years old. Ahmed is the boss." Just then a bunch of 20 year olds stroll in...and they approach Ahmed who is busy writing on a notepad and ask him to rent the bikes! As you can see... everybody loves the bikes. "We have the vespas, the mopeds, the bikes, the tandems, the cargo bikes. We have about 100 bikes for rent and many for sale. The rates are from 5E to 16.50E and you can have a bike 24 hrs. for 10E for students and 13E for tourists. It is great. I don't care if you rent the bike for a day, a week, a month...forever. You can rent the bike with a id or without if you do a deposit of credit card or cash. I trust people and everybody can have fun on the bike." he says.

The family run bakery is fun. To work here must be a blast since everybody is related...the father and mother and daughter and her little son who helps in the kitchen. "My father and mother owned a Green Grocery down south and when the North-South line came in they moved to Amsterdam and started the homemade lunch food father started baking the famous chocolate cake 7 years now and I made the first homemade apple pie which the last 4 months has beaten out my father's chocolate cake! Woops!"says Regina , the young daughter of the famous chefs.
And the famous Family of Bakers Amsterdam's Television Special:)
And for all of us cupcake lovers! is my side of the 1 hr. conversation...Ö my Gosh do you eat all of the food everyday? I would do that everyday I would eat a lot of food...and the cakes yum...Where is all of the fat people in here? How in the world don't you get fat?...and on and on. The food is wonderful.
"My boyfriend has a collection of high tea service and that is a new addition that we started...the high tea, we have the Uncle Albert's Afternoon, The Country, and the Royal. You must make reservations as we give it to you in the family living room upstairs ...I said it is a family place and that includes the high tea."Regina laughs.
They all circle around me and are excitedly asking about how to do a book. "We have a journalist who is a friend of ours and she interviewed the mayor of the city about 25 years now. She is putting us into contact with people in the industry business to help us. The Utube videos would be great but we don't want to give away our secrets of the baking that we've done many years now. We thought how to share it with the world? And a book is the best option."Says Regina's mother who is most excited about the cook book! "A Dutch Television station had us on and everybody in Nederlands and especially Amsterdam know us and now it is time for the world to know about us."she says. I tell her to do my website...with 3.6 million people around the world hungry to eat homemade food she is sure to have at least a couple people see it that publish books!
Here is the 3rd generation being a artist in the kitchen! "He loves to stir the cakes and he loves being with Grandma and Grandpa since they let him ride in the car. I only have a bicycle and when he knows he is staying with these characters he is the happiest ever!"Regina says.

"Next year we have planned 3 months of American street food, Japanese food, Russian food, to bring the culture concepts of each country to Amsterdam. Every 3 months a different country. The Guts and Glory is because I do my life and food with intensity. That is the Guts to the highest level. The chicken to the extreme. And the Glory is Caviar added or Truffles added...that is the Glory. People can choose to add the Glory to the Guts."says the Intense owner of Guts and Glory.

"Well, I've never felt like I am the boss. We all make fun of each other and after 1 or 2 drinks at night I don't say this made me mad Go Home! And I have the most Bizaare Kitchen staff. It is as if Are you sure you hired these people? Yet if one says to me do it that way...if it is better to do it that way we do it that way. If I worked elsewhere and I am more intelligent than others and they're envious or jealous I say okay let's try something different. And the best thing for me about being the owner is that if I am 1/2 hr late I don't have to explain that I am late because of such and such...I work 50 hrs to 60hrs per week instead of 80 now since I am dating a famous actress(she is beautiful),"says Freek. (Honestly he talks about her all the time yet says only mention a little! ) "You know when we do the chicken it is the best ever...there is a lot of chicken places in Amsterdam but they're "shit" here we do chicken in a extreme way. It takes about 36hrs. to do these and the entire months of 3 we have to think of new ways to do it."
"We're busy because of two things," says the Charming, fun Angelique who has been with the team the last 10 years. "Price and Quality." she says. "We offer a great price for the highest Quality. You can come in here and eat lunch and come back and eat dinner if you have 10Euros or if you have 100Euros. It is a great place to have a drink of wine or beer on the outside terrace and have fun with friends. A lot of people come here for a coffee. They wind up talking and having fun and order lunch. And they come back and eat dinner. It is that kind of place." the loyal bartender says.

The cool funky video that shows the treats of Carel's and Pakhuis.
"the two are different, for instance Carel's3 is for reservations and big groups and Pakhuis is mostly for walkins, tourists wandering in for a drink and decide to eat and for the locals just wanting lunch."
"The boss connected the two restaurants to each other when he bought these. The decorations are ours. You know he added through the years...such as the Rembrandt in the other room and the cool painting above the bar.And when Jack Daniels distributor comes in we say, "o we need a picture up here or some outfits etc for the staff and since we promote Jack Daniels they give us these perks for free. The bar is a typical Dutch bar although I know you said that it reminds you of a Western Saloon!" she says.
Okay does anybody want to run down to eat at Pakhuis and Carel's...YUM...check out that food.:)

"I love working at the bar,"says Ernest, who works fast and concentrates on his bartending skills while I chat with him drinking a Amsterdam beer. "Maybe my great grandfather and grandmother loved Oscar Wilde since they named my Grandfather that and now me." he says when I ask if his name is from Oscar Wilde. Is the boss fun? I ask..."Yep he is cool." he says and hurrys back to work...the bar is jam packed at 10:00pm at night but if you want a loud crowd and great food check it out.
"The bar is definitely a college bar,"says the "I used to be young" owner, Ed, of the most popular bar near the university for the last 25 years. "I have children of my own now, so I stay at home at night but I used to be here when I opened every night. Now the young kids are the bartenders and the team. They seem like a different generation now though. They have all of the modern technology and they can reach me 24/ phone never stops ringing!"he says when I say is it cool to be at home at night and forget about the craziness of running a college bar. "The entire team is new the last 4 months and they're learning. I need to trust my team and I cleaned house. Now we wait and see."he shrugs his shoulders at the responsibilities of hiring staff. "The students are smarter now. You can see that when they come into the bar although They have the internet at their hands and they know a lot of things about the world." Ed says when I ask if he sees a difference in the young people the last 25 years.

"There is 100 students like these in here everynight. Especially Thursday nights... They come packed on Thursday nights since the beer is pretty cheap. They're students, you know. Here to have a good time and to meet people. We turn the Disco type lights on and the music and they have fun."

"It's just a good bar where people can have fun. At night it is open to 3am everyday and until 4am on the weekends.Most of the students and tourists of Amsterdam go out ot party after 10:00pm except on the Thursday nights...they all come early at 8:00pm so they can drink a lot of beers! during happy hr. specials.!" he laughs. With 13 million tourists in Amsterdam every year I hope at least 300 per night find his bar!
"If they want to bring the french fries in I give everybody a little glass to hold it in. That way they can have peace and drink a beer and eat the fries in relaxation."
I say that once the tourists especially the Americans know they can find apple pancakes here they'll all come!

"Honestly me and my business partner, Marcus who is repairing bikes with me, worked with each other 1 year at a different company. The owner was a jerk. He did horrible business towards his customers, he cared to make money only not whether he gave quality to his guests. It was ridiculous. Finally I couldn't take it any longer...I said that is it lets do our own bike store. It took me 2 months to ready the place here and since Marcus couldn't just walk away from his job he worked at the other store and I ready the new one. Now we're having fun. We're treating our guests nicely and hoping they have fun and like us. You can like us on facebook too!" The kind owner jokes.

" I am from a 18 generations of Amsterdam people. I come from the city and I care about the city. 99% of the other bike company owners come from other countries. I know the city and I am here because my family was here many many years." he says.
"I love the white ceilings since before they were red or green and the people couldn't see the menus to eat dinner. Now today I am the most happiest since my people are painting the ceilings white. That is the blue walls and the white ceilings and tonight with the fine dining and the exclusive romantic restaurant that we are indeed known for we can have the white ceilings."says the wonderful charming owner Rinato.

020 - 626 01 58
"I drink white wine in the summer and red wine in the winter,"says Rinato, the Roman Italian owner of Vasso which is the most important Italian Authentic Restaurant in Amsterdam.

One of the sweetest things about Vasso is the cool menu designs that Rinato designed himself, "I made these..." he says as he hands the menus to me. How cool. I say. "Yes yet when I came here since all of the animals are staring at the people I threw them out! I kept the windows with the simple design of the antlers and I made the menus. Only the antlers since that is a symbol yet people don't want dead aninmals staring at them!" Rinato says honestly.
Prinsengracht 474 HS
1017 KG Amsterdam
Phone: 020 7371592
"Both of us studied radio and print sales and marketing and worked in the Netherlands and London 4 years." Bas says: "Yet when we finally said alright let's open the German restaurant we had researched the Amsterdam scene and we're the only one. My wife is German, I bought a ledenhosen online and here we are" he laughs as he proudly shows the ledenhosen that he is sporting for the Octoberfest theme at the cool on the canal tiny beergarden!

"You know it wasn't love at first is hey I met a real hot girl at the bar in college...we both felt that way drank way too much went home with each other;" says Bas(okay it is a fellow walked into a bar start of a joke however it ends happily ever after); "and 5 years later we traveled the world with each other and now the last 1 and 1-2 years we've owned the bar. It is the best thing that ever happened to us and it was the first month apart from the scariest thing happening when you start to get serious in a relationship-you know the woah I don't know if I am doing the right thing here..." Bas says about the feeling of both quitting high paying jobs and opening a restaurant.The risk huge? " Yes we would look at each other the first month and say alright I am really scared here...seriously we knew nothing about German how to cook a bratwurst or sauerkraut etc and we drove back and forth to Germany constantly trying to learn how to do it. After the first month and eagerly watching the guests try the food and liking it we had a full house one night and had to have guests waiting in line. Wow that is when it is great;" he says. Funny guy. I am sure his wife loves his relationship comments! Cafe Sonneveld
Aimee and Bryan at work!
"Have you ever eaten Bitterballs?"asks Bryan who is the brother of the team..."here try these..."and he gives me two Bitterballs from the Kitchen's head chef, MO. As I try to pick these up they both yell at the same time...not yet THEIR HOT! and they laugh.
"We love to see the tourists when they come in and grab these and then they say AH AH AH as they try to fan their mouths...we say that their hot but they eat them anyway...or it is funny when they come in and try to eat these with forks and knifes and it is must use the hands!" says Aimee laughing hysterically.
"The Brasserie de Groot is a place where the locals come to. You know the other one is near the Anne Frank house. So we knew that the tourists would love the Stamppot and they do. Especially the Americans always ask if we have it and they eat the big plates. The Americans have huge plates and the Amsterdam people are used to tiny plates. When I go to America I can't wait to see all the food I am going to eat since everybody says that you eat a lot of food!" She smiles happily at the thought of coming to America to eat the huge plates we give? And I ask where on earth she heard such a thing. "Everybody tells us that in America we can all eat a lot of food." And while that is true with steaks and hamburgers and french fries, the Stampport servings are a good competition!

"The new restaurant named Brasserie van Noordt is going to be healthy. The chef that we have here is MO. He used to work with my father. We've known him a long while. Now he is happy to be developing the restaurant of pasta and healthy food. Shakes and smoothies and vegatarian. It is a big trend in Amsterdam now. You would think that with people riding bikes everywhere that they do it to be healthy but really they do it because they have to ride the bikes. It takes 10 minutes to go around the city on a bike and 2 hrs. on the car. That is the reason. They don't want to eat healthy. They just know they have to use the bike,"says Bryan when I ask if the people of Amsterdam eat healthy since they bike all the time. Different than the health nuts of California! 0204 234 287
28 Van Noordtstraat.
While I can't vouch for the whirlpools...

the passion cocktail is pretty darn good.
Gerson made a Passion Swizzler for me and it is finally hitting me as I type...pretty darn's good though!

I pet the big cat sitting on the aquarium... "She is a little agressive actually," says Gerson. "one time a guy came in with a dog- German Shepherd and she, the cat attacked...she ran up to the guy and climbed up his leg and he had the German Shepherd on his shoulder protecting it and he is laughing...O it is just a little cat...Uh huh..." Gerson says laughing. "i kept holding my breathe that it didn't attack him!"
When I google the Trip Advisor reports of the bar the cat's picture comes up with the caption..."I LOVE THAT CAT!" COOL.

"It's really about 3 generations now that have owned the bar(s) since we don't know where the 4th generation came from," says the affable son of the father of the father who owns the bar(s)! "Yes I am Todd," he says and shows me the 3 bars connected to each other with swinging wooden bar doors...first the Hoopman Irish bar, then the real authentic Dutch bar, then the International Green English Irish Pub complete with the fancy grill restaurant above it on the most famous square in all of Amsterdam.. -leidesplein..."It is totally cool to watch the people since I've been the manager of my father's restaurants the last 10 time I saw a guy dressed in a diaper climbing the tree outside in the square...I am used to seeing about anything." he admits laughing. The Amsterdam people are the most wild and laidback people you will ever find...a totally surprising and takes a while to get used to combination.

"Another cool thing that we do is the teaching school We have had the last 20 years students who work with us 4 days and study one day in the Hospitality industry college level. I am a teacher the last year. One guy is a bartender with us the last 6 years and our best bartender yet everybody all of his teacher's said O he is impossible you will never be able to do anything with him. He came to us and he is the best one we have now. That is what is cool. You see people learning here.Of course you see the guests having fun. They're pubs! Of course they have fun. Yet it is cool to see the students who are with us grow everyday and we choose the ones that would fit with us. It helps us with our staff too." he says.

Looks like they're having a blast testing the wine on a Friday night at Wijnen Alex's wine store.
"I have a couple of real fine wines from the Netherlands such as the ones that the Prince and Princess now the King and Queen had at their wedding...same vintage. It is a alright wine from MAASTRICHT,Hoeve Nekum 2012,2013. And I can personally vouch for the fact that is the same wine." he says laughing.
"I am a little bit old-fashioned,"he says when it comes to the selection of his wines. "Of course people can call and make reservations and have private wine tastings or they can come on Fridays and Saturdays to the store and taste the wine. I love European wines. I've won the various awards such as from the Amsterdam Paper Parool which I received a 9 out of 10 for matching my choice of wine to a famous chef's recipe. It is a contest they do every year. The recipes used to be easy and I could cook these myself and choose the appropriate wine but now they're much more difficult and it is impossible for me to follow the ingredients so most of the people submitting wine are gourmet cooks too."What fun! to learn new recipes from the paper and to try to cook these and choose wine...that is one cool contest@ Parool. "One year I went down to Argentina and visited a vineyard where they invited us to make the wine the old-fashioned see the Italians stomping the grapes in the big circle wooden barrel...something like that. Of course it takes about one year to taste the final wine yet it was fun. I didn't have time to wait in Argentina for one year though."
Out on the farm!

Meeting Susanna who along with her cooking husband, Johan, own the famous fish restuarant Lucius in Amsterdam, is a treat. First she is totally smart and most importantly knowledgeable about her fish. "You have to be. The menu is in 9 languages, and the people ask. My team has been a long time. You know if a German couple come in and they ask about the oysters I must know about the oysters. We have many different types here and everyday the fisherman when they bring the oysters he brings a sheet of paper that tells me all about each one. Where they grew up. How long have they been here. What they eat." She laughs yet says, "Most people don't think of a oyster about what they eat but that is important in how sweet you are. Etc. You can tell the difference on how and where they grew up." I ask her if it is akin to a sommelier? " Yes of course and I am amazed at the knowledge they have. You have to know the product. Everyday I try to learn more. The Quatre Saison is different than the Netherlands oysters for example and the french ones we have today Ile de Re is different from the ones we'll have tomorrow. You know we used to be in Michelin Guide on and off. I think it is about the knowledge and the service is why people come here. And really my husband is the better one. He knows all there is to know about fish. He is the cook" she says.
When I see one of the many bike rentals! in Amsterdam a city of 700,000 people and 1,000,000 bikes...the most bikes per capita than anywhere else in the world...why do I choose the cool little shop? Because the owner Ismail's son is playing outside and is sadly looking at me like...I wish you could put my bike store on the website...and of course I immediately add the child's bike store to the website!
Ismail's great store is on the famous shopping street of Amsterdam near Leidseplein named Spuistraat...right near the square. Close to Central Station...about 200 meters and close to all of the cool local restaurants and cafes... Have fun. "Tell the people that we repair all bikes and that we give students discounts for the repairs too." he says.

"We work in the kitchen below all day long starting at 8:00am and at times we work til midnight if we have a lot of baking to do. We started the fresh fruit smoothies a little while now and everybody seems to like these too."They let me and another guest taste the healthy smoothies and I say that California would love the bakery!

Here is the fresh fruit smoothies!

Mother and father at the bakery...although the father does most of the baking, and the mother takes care of the lunch items, Regina says she is learning more everyday..."You know when they retire I must know how to do it all."Too which her father gives her a laugh like you know I am still young!

"The bakery is famous and everybody smells the spices from the sweet apple pie when we bake in the morning the alley is full of people wanting to know where that great smell comes from"says Regina's mother...and the future, Ï want to write a cookbook of all of our recipes...we've already been on Dutch television and I want people international from around the world to buy my book!"

The Eccentric Genius of Guts & Glory ...Freek Van Noortwijk@ 02 036 2 0030

"Please mention the 3 of us, Johanneke van Iwaarden is my best friend who is a girl and my best friend Guillaume de Beer is my best guy friend. They're my partners and they're partners with each other."It's cool.

Freek is a "freak of creative energy"you will find yourself ready to run IBM when you walk out of the ecclectic modern restaurant on the hustling and bustling street named Utrechtsestraat 6 . check it out.
"The Michelin staff comes in and says we're the best chefs ever...we're just waiting for our stars!"he jokes. "Yet I do love to push for it you know it is totally provocative in that way in a good way. It is totally fun and coo. We have a lot of fun here. The team is enthusiastic and knowledgeable. Nowadays you have to respect the culture of the world.
"The restaurant is only 8 months old and it is a true Concept restaurant...we did 4 animals... beef, chicken, pork, fish. And each 3 months we used all of the entire parts of the animal...the tongues, the cheeks, the legs, all of it, the bones. We make the most creative dishes such as Beef Tongue in a Russian salad that everybody loves yet no one knows what they're eating!"
Carel's 3 reservations please:)
020 622 20 80

Tourists having fun!

"I loved the first day I started working here...the boss is a tough cookie...and we have a saying here "Don't be a weak cookie." That means exactly whatthe boss said when he hired me..."I won't tell you what to do...just do your job" says Angelique. "if you do your job you don't hear from him...I haven't heard from him in 10 years!" she says laughing. "He is that way you know. He is a great boss and an even greater person. Yet he expects you to work hard for him. If you respect him and work hard he respects and appreciates you."

"He has had the both of em about 30 years and more. He loves both. I love both. Yet although times change and people change the boss is steady. He shows the truth you know? He is a Down-to-Earth guy. A good guy. Just don't cross him" she says honestly.
"I worked many years at the Carel's3 with the night guests. They're fun and you know night life. The one thing I learned is about the differences in people. I always thought the Russians were harsh because of the language and when I am around Russian guests now I see that is the pronunciation of the words. They're really sweet nice people yet the language is harsh. You learn about people from around the world."says Angelique.
And that is true.
20 Voetboogstraat

"For me I wanted to try lunches and since the place has a tiny kitchen we only have pancakes...yes make sure that you say American style Pancakes the Dutch ones, not Crepes/and we do scrambled eggs and nachos. That is from say 10:30am til 6:00pm and from that point on it is a drinking bar only."When I ask if it is more fun now that he is experimenting with a lunch menu? He laughs, "It is a lot more work. And to even think about serving food at night is crazy. We have people packed in here. As a matter of fact the famous french fries of Amsterdam are right across the street. I let the people bring the cones of french fries in here if they buy a drink during the day but even the french fries people close about 6 to 7. That is the traditional around here. It would be impossible to have french fries and drinks after 7pm. It is just too busy."

We love these happy hr specials...
And you'll love the team from the first day of Rachel who is friendly as can be to Lourens the bartender who made my apple pancakes...When I asked Lourens and Esther if they could say something about the young college people of today? "They're much more difficult to talk to." they both agreed. "I hate people talking on phones. They come in here and instead of meeting people they sit at tables and talk on phones. The cultures are both more smart and learned from the internet and yet harder to get to know since in person instead of talking to you face to face they go talking on phones. We have to rely on the internet to learn about information to."
The actors are talented yet the show content was a little more than I would say is comedy...see the show and see love emme
Rozengracht 117, 1016 LV Amsterdam |