Meet the Royal Family of Regensburg,                                     
         With Albert Von Thurn und Taxis. 
Výsledek obrázku pro albert thurn und taxis and family at regensburg 
     While they have many concerts and big name stars at the Palace, they have garden shows and of course the lovely Christmas Shows that I love too much. Hope you come and have fun.
  Just happening now the Dachsund Race opposite the Stone Bridge the biggest in the world! Wow! 
   Barock Bar in Regensburg has that Classy Speakeasy feeling yet it is hidden right in front of you. Down a little alley opposite the Beautiful Cathedral of Regensburg & dripping in elegance, Barock Bar has a little something for everybody.               Located at: Krauterermarkt 2     
     During the pandemic Thomas said he had tons of time to learn something new & he decided to learn the thought process of serious chess players. "I remembered playing Chess with my father at the age of 5. When I started to play chess during the lockdown at home, I found that there is literally 1,000s of different technical moves to bring you to just that many games.ImageSo, I am at the beginning level of the process after 2 years, yet when my guests sit down at my new chess table in Barock Bar & they have played for many years they seem amazed that I have only learned the last 2 years. I say, yes but that is a very long intense 2 years where I had nothing to do but learn chess!"
     The bar lends itself to people playing chess at night: the sophistication. 
"I love my bar and I am hoping to have in the future people that come specifically to Regensburg to see me, not just to try to find a cocktail bar. I want it to have a great reputation as great cocktails, service and just a classy intimate bar. I hope people that come know cocktails and want to try mine and I appreciate people coming in a little tentatively, too, and feeling comfortable to ask me to help. I love making drinks for people that tell me what they do love in a good cocktail and the things that they don´t like," says Thomas, who along with his partner, Anne, have made Barock the classy 1930s decor bar that it is today."

Bottled Drinks – Jazz Tiger Fish 100ml – Barock Bar
  "It is important to me that my team is enthusiastic about creating drinks that is in tune with creating the right atmospher for my guests. I want the guests to focus on their great drink that they ordered, not the person serving it. I want me & my team's cocktails to be famous, not me." 
Barock Bar | Regensburg
 "I am a serious person concerning my goal to make a career and a life as the best mixologist that I can. I went to college to be a biologist and started working at a 5 star and loved it too much. When I told my father I wanted to own a bar, he supported me a little hesitantly with the fact that he understood I wanted to follow my passion, yet he wanted to be sure that is what I wanted to do. It is 6 months ago;  yes, that early, my mom said she is happy about my Barock bar," laughs Thomas. "We do have fun here. It is more important for me to have a feel about somebody. Are they a good person and honestly want to learn? I hire that person. My new team is amazing & the signature cocktail named: Marios Mexican Princess is from the gameboy Mario & Luigi where they have to save the Princess. You would be surprised at how many people connect the bridge to that drink!" 
    If you want to play around trying to make it yourself, come taste & try: Mezcal, Krauter, Honig-Ingwer, Rose, Weiser Pfirsich Vielsettig, tropisch, floral-aromatisch, Leichl. 
        Located: at Krauterermarkt 2
                       +49 172 844 29 34
    "I would say that one of the things to notice that I have added is a higher quality of spirits to work with. We had these cool weathered leather aprons that a designer came in and sponsored my team and me with and it added to the charm and coziness of the bar. But they were real leather & very heavy to wear as they were very long. So now we each have our own style that compliments the Barock & the aprons are only if you feel you want to wear them The light-colored leather chairs give the bar a classic 1930s timeless feel and that is my idea, too," says Thomas as he explains the way he hopes people see his bar. "While it is my dream to make the Barock bar, which by the way is a play on words for the artistic period of Baroque style and the fact that it is a bar!" interjects Thomas, " It isn´t necessarily Anne´s dream." Anne shakes her head, "I don´t know what my dream is, I guess I am a entreprenuer and I am supporting Thomas with the fact that he knows what his dream is."
 Thomas says, "Yes, we think about the future and making our bar a respected and sought after place to have some classic cocktails in a quiet setting where people can remember the experience. Maybe opening the Renaissance Bar in the future. Another play on words!" 

"I have a audience for my bar and it is a expensive one, I guess. That is what people say." Says Thomas, yet here I would disagree. The drinks are amazing signature cocktails & old time classics made with expert mixologists who put on a show for each and every guest. You sip the drink & have good conversation & listen to the guy (or girl) playing the piano. You don't guzzle a beer; unless you want to!
I believe it is just right. The drinks start from 9.00 euros and up. Yet they are very good cocktails." says Thomas. "People say that they look in the windows and the bar looks too expensive, yet it is a great bar. You can come in and have a glass of wine, or you can come in and have a expensive cocktail. Just come in and enjoy the bar, that is all I ask." 
     The fun & very loud piano player was just playing with all his heart tonight & I totally enjoyed my 3 hours here! 
               Barock Bar - Am Sonntag ist Muttertag, und wir haben die... | Facebook
   O & the cocktails are beautiful, too.Barock Bar - Liebe Gäste, liebe Freunde, aufgrund der... | Facebook
Andi Meier
                                   WURSTKURCHL REGENSBURG                               
                                 with the very Charming Andreas as the Boss is always fun.                      
                               Provided by
                                      WURSTKURCHL REGENSBURG
                                 with the very Charming Andreas as the Boss is always fun.
Andreas has a couple of loves & one is liturgical satirical art which can be seen adorning his very cool Wurstkuchl which is sausage house! The restaurant inside is a mixture of historical architecture & modernism with various pictures of funny religious art hung.  From 1135 the old kitchen house has been making its funny sausages! 
I met his very kind son, Theo, who is working on Saturdays with his father at the Regensburg location. Theo seems very well adjusted to the Wurstkuchl & says that he has fun here. "I used to work behind the bar serving drinks & today I am here early doing breakfast, too," says Theo as he in that teenager way of the world where there is no worries only existence shuffles away bringing early 10:45am beers to the guests outside. It is early according to USA standards, yet here in Germany I have found in the years that it is rather usual to start drinking even earlier than that on a Saturday! 

"If people complain, I say that remember a pig died so that you could eat the sausages today!" says Andrea. So, I don't complain & I ate the 3 sausages. I love the sauerkraut, so I eat that too. 
See the source image
 Andreas joins the table & rolls his eyes, "Well I am not sure if Theo really wants to work on a Saturday, yet he must. His friends are of the "Green party ideaology where they find work pretentious & having never done work ever in their young lives would rather come here, sip coffee & actually eat the sausages & spew their Green theories of life around the world. The windmills & the solar panels: these seem to be okay, but using gas is not & so they spend their precious youth instead of learning a trade such as Theo, formulating high-lofty ideals which are really in dreamland & shall never take fruition." says Andrea. Aaa... we have reached the generation gap! 
Historische Wurstkuchl / Regensburg, Bayern – Kochgenossen
PS the wine is very good, too, with me drinking the white wine, & they give you lots of white wine! You can eat theSee the source image sausages, & the sauerkraut, & drink all of that very good wine & wander around the town totally complacent, but just wait a couple of hours before venturing near the river as you might fall in & as most people are also drinking the wine they probably won't be so keen to help you as you float down the Danube. 
           historiche Wurstkuch´l - Regensburg Foto & Bild | world, bayern ...
 "The work ethic of my generation is one based on reality. Everyday we make the sausages at 5:00am from the highest quality pork that we can possible find. When I actually had to raise the prices to a very reasonable complete lunch of 6 sausages including the sauerkraut & mustard to 13.50 euros a lunch, the locals complained. Sure they eat here, yet they complain everytime after they eat here that it is too expensive. It is totally reasonable to the tourists. The bread we have a local bakery make that has been making the bread rolls the last 100 years for us. My family is here from 1736 & the sausage house is here from 1135. Every morning artisans are at work making & creating your food. I am right now on my way to the lab which is located 100 meters from here to make 250 liters of sweet mustard. I know how to make the mustard from my aunt, Elsa, who used to make it sometimes good sometimes sweet sometimes not so sweet, depending on Elsa's mood. I had to "fix" the recipe to make it the same every time. The other people who know how to make the mustard are my butchers who are older, too, and I hope they live a long long time since the young people don't want to work at all." says Andreas. That is a usual consensus, by the way, amoungst most of the German entrepreneurs I have spoken to. 
      At Hanf im Gluck CBD store in Regensburg you can weigh in the positive results of using their products such as the oil that has been known to reduce inflammation in joints, such as arthritis, the positive effects that could be associated with using the flowers in cooking to reduce stress, the calming effects that people have said they experience from drinking the tea with CBD in it. You can try all here. Image
The flowers come in little jars in various flavors & scents & in quantities of 2 grams on up.
      KEEP CALM & CARRY ON at HANF im GLUCK CBD Regensburg
                            located at:  
Gesandtenstraße 17
  When I first met Kilian, the very knowledgeable owner of Hanf im Gluck, I thought he seems like a very nice person, maybe a student at the local university; however, when he starts talking about his business, the promotion & selling of his CBD products, you know he is the boss. He knows all the ins & outs of his product & the regulations of the European Union that decides if Germany is allowed to "graduate" to the higher level of cannabis, which is the THC that is allowed in America, for example. "My products may be able to make you relaxed & could possibly lower anxiety & lower inflammation, such as in arthritis. TCH makes you high. It is the one that gives you the Munchies!" says Kilian when I ask the basic difference. I say that if you are from America you can use THC get the Munchies & come to Kilian's store to buy the CBD cookies.
      "People buy the flowers, the most, & the oils for therapy. We have a very high-quality product, which Hanf is known for. The 5 grams is around 61 euros & depending on how much you use, you can purchase 1-2 per month. If it has the lemony scent to it, it has a higher dose of CBD. The higher the percentage, the higher the cost. The seeds can be sprinkled on salads, for instance & don't have any CBD in them at all. They are purely for health reasons. As the lollipops, the same. Yet people love the lollipops. Or the cookies. They do have CBD. Just ask, I am always here to help you decide & to educate you. I have around 8 people who work with me, & they can help you with your questions, too. Everybody always asks, ""what is the difference between THC & CBD." Always,"" laughs Kilian.Austin Powers CBD Flowers
  "People are curious. They are a little hesitant if they have never tried CBD before, & that is why Hanf educates the people that own a Hanf store & the people that work here. We are 100% legal, whereas, for instance, Amsterdam of the Netherlands is only legalized to sell THC in its coffee houses. Yet the process of actually receiving & buying the THC from suppliers is illegal. It's technically black market sales. Yet, once it enters the coffee houses, they can legally sell it. Very complicated process!" OK!  I told you, Kilian knows all the details about the legality of his product & if you want a learning process or philosophical discussion on CBD & THC, you would totally enjoy your time in his store learning about the product & the regulations of Europe. He can help you decide if you want to purchase that morning coffee with CBD in it, or have some little fun treats with the cookies & the Mary & Juana chocolates. O yes, they do have fun names & funny play on words. 
 "In 9 out of 10 people, the oils reduce inflammation on a long-term basis if used consistently," says Kilian. "However, if you use it a couple of times, you will feel the effect immediately. It is theorized that if you do use it long-term, that it can permanently reduce the inflammation associated with arthritis, for example.Image When you reduce the inflammation, you reduce the pain. It is that simple." I say that I want to buy some oil for my mom to try. He says that I should buy her some of the oil, & I tell her that my sister has done that in America. She doesn't use the oil because she thinks it will harm her. It is because she is uneducated about the product & now that I am educated about it, I can perhaps convince her to try. 
    That is all it takes: knowledge to reduce fear of "marijuana". So, try the Hanf im Gluck Cookies instead. Hanf im Glück Regensburg Sitzmöglichkeiten Draußen
 Kilian has cooking products, too. Such as Hanf pesto or spreads. These are the fun products, very inexpensive to try. They have tea, which I totally love & tea relaxes & soothes you anyway, so that coupled with the CBD, Kilian says, helps you even more to feel calm. He has many different forms of the tea such as mild or the full flower, which has more CBD in it. Yet again, just ask Kilian & his team & they can help you. A great gift basket of HANF pesto, some tea & some dessert cookies will run you about 25 to 30 euros & is a very fun gift for that cook or lover of hosting parties to try. 
   I loved my Cats, Juliette & Augustus, & know how important pets are to people. So, if your pet is in any discomfort there may be positive results from using Hanf im Gluck's CBD products for pets. Hanf im Glück Regensburg Hanftees

 Hanf im Gluck Cookies for the young & older!Image result for hanf im gluck cookies
   "We have vaping oil with CBD for the vapers, we have the oil, we have the cookies, the teas, the chocolates, we have the flowers; we have something for all uses, although I am not running out of the store down the street to see how people use my products, it is all 100% legal of what we sell & it's purpose is for relaxation & reducing inflammation, which has had positive results in the past.  Of most importance is to introduce you to cannabis safely," says Kilian. 
▷Hanf im Glück CBD Shop Regensburg ⇒ Standordinfos | Hanf im Glück
      The friendly knowledgeable team of Hanf im Gluck & boss Kilian.
     Jasmine here says that she only works on Saturday, yet loves the store!
                                           BURGER HEART of Regensburg
                                            Schwarze-Bären-Straße 10
                                                               0941 46627330  Burgerheart - Regensburg reservieren in Innenstadt, Regensburg | Quandoo


The very cool funky BurgerHeart in Regensburg is one of my favorite places to chill with friends, have a great burger(or Canadian fries like my Canadian Friends always insist we try) & a couple of very tall beers!                                                                                                                                      

     I know that the 2 brothers that own the Regensburg location are some of the very nicest & most sincere people that you will ever meet & I should have known that the person that they chose as their director from the last 1-1/2 years, Michael Huber, would of course been the same. Very funny & very cool. He said that it is on his bucket list to visit America in the very near future & I told him I would write a list of the must cities to visit on his trip.Burgerheart | Heartmade Burgers & Drinks

    “Is 4 weeks a long enough trip to America, do you think?” he asked me & I said that yes if I am the co-captain. So, now I must plan a trip for him to visit my country of America & of course include some very cool Burger places so that he can compare his with ours! Here is the Golden Gomez. BURGERHEART ESSEN - Rüttenscheid - Menu, Prices & Restaurant Reviews -  Order Online Food Delivery - Tripadvisor

     BurgerHeart is very special, though, with its warm tall wooden tables & comfortable tall stools, its tall 2 story ceilings in its multi-level historical architectural brick space of modern lighting & chrome with 300 year old brick walls. Regensburg is a gorgeous city. Absolutely stunning as it is a Unesco Heritage site for a reason. Yet the food is pretty good here too! When I asked Michael why he thinks they have thrived when some others were not so lucky, he said matter-of-factly, “The products. We have great burgers. Great products, that’s it!”

    So, there you have it. Just the very best burgers that you could possibly hope for! And of course they have very good German beer & some wild crazy mixtures of the type of Canadian French Fries such as the FRYAN GRETZKY: with different gravies & cheeses & toppings that are definitely not for the healthy only eating grass types of foodies.Book a table at Burgerheart - Regensburg in Regensburg, Innenstadt | Quandoo

The food here is hearty; hence the name,yet coming a couple days on your vacation to Regensburg while enjoying the German dishes at the traditional restaurants is alright even if at home you stick pretty close to your strict vegetarian, fish & chicken fare. As for the students, they’re very happy to chow down on the 100% beef burgers & drink some beers with friends. The word LOVE is on the walls everywhere at the BurgerHeart & even the name is Heart to Love.

   “The people here all pretty much can converse in English,” says Michael, “All of my team can greet you & seat you in English & can make some pretty good hand gestures to guess what you want. The funny thing is that my entire kitchen staff is 100% English fluent, but the wait staff is ½ & ½ with everybody speaking German, of course. I am not sure why all the cooks speak English, though!”

   That is pretty funny considering you would think it would be the other way around! Maybe that feeling of a little bit silly, a little bit quirky is what makes people feel comfortable & welcome at BurgerHeart.Burgerheart Regensburg – Regensburg Regional

    Or maybe it is what Michael says, “It’s the burgers. We have really good burgers! During the lockdown & the on again off again closures, we were very lucky in that everybody ordered burgers & fries for delivery. So we had the perfect food for that. Everybody loves ordering burgers.” Of course Suf & Turf is kinda cool. 

    Yes, I said, yet it certainly helped that they had built such a good reputation before the lockdown so that people already trusted them & knew them. It just shows how well they took care of their guests & how their food was received. The bartenders make very special drinks, too, & I saw quite a few cocktails being brought back & forth from the bar to the tables while I interviewed Michael, in addition to the beers. I asked Michael if he saw many American tourists & he said that yes they had many Americans here & American students which surprised him. He said that they have many Germans, too, which is surprising to me because it isn’t their traditional German Regensburgers or Bratwursts. “Yes, but everybody loves the American culture of cheeseburgers & hamburgers & we have gourmet burgers & that has been a big item in Germany the last 10 years, so it is becoming a adoptive part of the culture.”

     It’s very much of interest to me to see the way we love to try new foods, as Americans, & we find the schnitzels & the different Nuremburgers & Regensburgers(all of which are long sausages & small sausages)very cool & eat way too many of these & the Germans love the burgers. So, it’s a cultural fascination. Burgerheart Regensburg Delivery | Menu & Prices | Nuremberg | Uber Eats


      May be an image of text that says 'X X XXx X XXX x X XXX X X Dudes Daily DailySpecials Specials NEW METAL ΜΠΝΠΑΥ Whisky Cola nur WhiskyColanur4,80€ 4, 80€ Tuesday miinlyadh Tuesday ai Gountry College Bier nur 2,80€ AP Wwerinesdy Kiea Hump Day Touchdown nur 5,00€ x X XXX X X x X xxx X' Yeah Dudes has survived the Pandemic & is now a little snack sandwich bar & Western tunes...WAIT! WHAT!? "Yes that is right, you  have to do what you have to do to open- If you had a kitchen & you served food you could open, so I made sandwiches & opened & now when it is super busy in here & people start asking for 5 beers & sandwiches & it is only me as the bartender, I say, oops we're out of sandwiches!" Okay. Now it is a cool bar & low time you can have a ham sandwich. Mostly it is a very cool bar with a very friendly vibe. Whiskey & Beer!~

           Alright want a casual and kind of funky Western type of bar to have a beer? 
                                   Try DUDES 4 located at  Unter den Schwibbögen 21
       No photo description available.  Wow just amazing.  Probably the nicest person I have ever met, along with Albert, is Markus of DUDES4, the cool warm and friendly bar on Unter den Schwibbogen 21.   I´ve interviewed him 5 times, three years & 3 years later after the pandemic now on a very lovely quiet Thursday, with the Christmas Markets in the background & a young guest at the bar right when he opened I had a very funny time for 1-1/2 hours catching up & trading what did you do the last 3 years. "Well, I learned to love Whiskey & beer together, which is a weird combination, yet I drank a lot of whiskey sitting outside on my house steps with my 2 dogs & girlfriend. My mom would call & ask what are you doing today. You know we're all in lockdown & the police asked for your papers if you went in the streets, so I am like, okay, what am I doing? I am drinking whiskey sitting on my steps. She got very worried that I drank too much Whiskey. Are you drinking too much whiskey again? Yes, mom that is all there is to do." We start laughing.      
 I tell him that my big sister, Toni, joined the wine of the month club, received 5 wines, drank a glass from each & would give these to me. I bought 2 bottles of wine a week at my local farm town where my mom lives & my mom would tell me that the people in the farm town would start talking about me if I kept it up. I was like, okay, mom, they're farmers. They probably make their own moonshine in home stills, I'm sure that I am just a light weight. Although with my sister's contributions & my own, I had 7 bottles at once sometimes in my refrigerator. So, she was right a little bit.
      And now that he is working all the time, Markus doesn't sit on the steps all day.
     As a matter of fact,the kind unassuming boss, Markus says, "The first couple of months starting the day we opened the doors to April, were so busy I couldn't keep up. We had only a couple people helping out because there just isn't any staff anywhere in Europe, so I had to do bartending, bouncer, server-it all. It is alright because we are a casual easy-going bar. Photo of people
   GAMEDAYS:  Donnerstag from 19:00 to 3:00am; Freitag & Samstag 19:00 to 4:00am.
                                                         Restaurant Mirabelle 
                                               located at Drei-Mohren-Str.11 
                                            reservations:  0941 5956550/
                                                         Featuring French Chef Stephane Seddiki

   "The restaurant Mirabelle is my last one, let´s hope!" laughs the prestigious French      Chef Stephane Seddick when I interviewed him today in the outside garden. "My            first French  restaurant in Regensburg was Le Marmiton, which I loved yet it didn´t have a                garden outside and the Germany people love the gardens! Now I have Mirabelle since 2004."

  "I am from France, near Lyon, and learned my training in France. I worked in America, actually about 4 years in Los Angelos and loved it, worked in Santa Monica, which is a beautiful city, too. When I came back to Germany, I also worked in the Goldener Lowe, which I truly loved working in that restaurant. Now, my last baby is the Mirabelle. I guess I should say that it is both better being my own boss and not so much!" he laughs. "It is more pressure and stress in the kitchen, and I have to learn to control my French temperment of having perfection since I love my team and I don´t want to lose them!" he says laughing again. "It took me a long time to find the right team and it is definitely a team effort. I can say that I have to love what I do. You have to love being a chef, or it is too difficult of a job to do for very long and I have been doing it 45 years! Wow I can´t believe that either. I guess the reason I am full of energy is that I have learned that my leash is my kitchen. Not my customers.  I don´t come to the tables and sit. I present my food. My guests are my guests, and at the same time they are my bosses. You know, they have to love my food and it has to be presented with the highest quality for my guests to continue coming back. So, in essense they are my bosses!" 
   "It is a select menu, not so big, and definitely French with the entire card being my signature. I would love to think that the guests come because of me, and that is true since sometimes they say, "Where is the chef, Stephane?" Although my team can make any item on my menu and present it the way that I do since I have trained each of the chefs, the guests still complain! "We want Stephane as the chef.  So, I try not to show my face in the kitchen!" he laughs at that. "My team is very good." Ähnliches Foto
  "My restaurant´s specialty is meat, with essentially 4 to 5 meat entrees. It always has one fish entre and if people want to eat fish, they can eat that one. The reason is I insist on the freshest fish and it is sometimes difficult to do several fish plates. I can always find one good one, though."
Ähnliches Foto
Bildergebnis für restaurant mirabelle regensburg
  "It is more difficult to make French cooking because of the basic reason some of the sauces are very involved.   My passion is  to create the sauce and although every chef can do the same sauce, they all taste a little bit different and that is what makes a great chef," says Stephane. "You know everything is fun to start with and you must take the material that you have and shape it. Give life to it. I do classical cuisine bourgeoisie and more modern presentations. Every recipe at Mirabelle is original, though and mine. I do peak sometimes and if I take a fancy I will tweak a dish and watch the person that ordered it taste. It is my creation each and every time and it is personal, as if you are at dinner at my home. So, yes after all these years of course I care very much about each person and the plate." 
    "Everyday is different. Mostly each person is different and we do have regulars that dine here. It is of the highest quality at very reasonable prices and so they come frequently. And yes it is fun, too to have the tourists visit and compliment me, my team and my restaurant."
Bildergebnis für restaurant mirabelle regensburg
        The restaurant Mirabelle is beautiful Very beautiful and very French in its decor. I compliment Stephane a couple of times on it since it is such a gorgeous place physically. "Thankyou very much," he says. "I rarely talk to the guests, though, since I am very busy in the kitchen and it is such a responsibility to keep up the standards. My wife and team talks to the guests and they always let me know about the response." You will love the restaurant, the team and the food, especially. The wine, is, of course, French! And of the highest quality, yet the menu is very reasonable. I hope you enjoy the experience as much as I do. 

                                          The Master Chef Entreprenuer, Mattia Kreutzer, on the stage at Kreutzers! 
                                               Kreutzers Restaurant
              "The range of beef we have is of the highest quality in the world, such as U.S. Beef from Nebraska(Omaha), Wagyu, Fassona, Irish Hereford,  Mittelmeerfische und Krustentiere. The prices reflect that too!" laughs the Master Chef and owner, Mattia. "I am always surprised when people make reservations and say that they are driving 70 kilometers or more just to eat dinner here. The guests know the beef type that they want and the weight in grams every time. They are very educated when it comes to my menu. I guess when you pay that much you probably know what you are eating!" ps...Kobe Wagyu Beef can come to 1,000 euros per kilo! Enjoy! Image result for kreutzers regesnburg
   When the guests come to Kreutzers(usually a 10 day reservations-in-advance guest!) they dress for their special night out, and their favorite treat is watching the chef prepare the meat on the grill on the island right in front of them. "Yes they always want to say hi to the chef and I allow the guests to walk into the kitchen to meet the kitchen chef, too!" says Mattia.
                      RESERVATIONS IN ADVANCE PLEASE. 0049 0941 5 69 565 020
Kreutzer´s is to Regensburg as Mortons is to New York and Chicago along with the famous Chop House in Chicago, or Smith & Wollensky in London. The highest quality of beef available in a elegant beautiful restaurant.IMG_0775.jpeg
Does Mattia eat Wagyu Kobe steak everyday?  He laughs, "About once in a while, I love it, yet it is a very deep rich meat, so if you have it one day the next you can choose something different since we have lobster and prawns and great seafood, too, that we grill over the charcoal grills, that is what we are famous for. There is only about 10 places in Germany that have the charcoal grills.  Kreutzer´s is famous for the charcoal grill and the best meat. And I hope that they are entertained with me as I prepare it for the guests!""You know it takes many years to earn a respected reputation such as we have at Kreutzers," starts the funny interview with the head Boss, Mattia. "I have had my restaurant in Regensburg 30 years and of the last 8 here at the location at Prinz-Ludwig-Strasse 15. Every year I strive for perfection and to find around the world the rarest and the best meat. I believe the website shows the quality that we have and you can judge for yourself."  IMG_0770.jpeg
               Bildergebnis für kreutzers restaurant

            APOTHEKE Real Bar with "drinks and peanuts!" says the laid back boss, Christoph of the long standing simple bar where people of all ages love to come and talk with friends. Apotheke is probably one of the most popular sub-culture bars with the students and tourists from around the world in Regensburg Germany mostly since the boss, Christoph says, "The drinks are cheap and I serve peanuts in the shell that the people are more than happy to fling on the floor!" Okay. It has a very simple bar decor with seating outside where people often approach Christoph from the university asking to throw a event here.
                           "Most of the time, I don´t even know what the event is, for instance skateboarders                                      today hanging skateboards on the walls. The girl from the university asked if they could have a skateboarding party where they skate in the city, have some grilled food and come here about 21.00pm to throw party. They´re putting skateboards on the walls and I don´t know if they´re selling those skateboards or just showing them off!" he laughs and says, "it is a very simple and casual bar open to everybody." 
    Does he skateboard? I ask. "No,"! he laughs. "I love to ride horses and my girlfriend is a horse person!" 

  "My brewery is a local one named, Eichhofener with lager helles, pils, hopfengarten(craft bier), dunkles, festbier and leichtes helles. It is a good beer, one of the best local ones and here you can have from 2.80 to 3.40. I  think that is a very good price and although I don´t´do fancy cocktails, it is a bar,  I have good Gin, Rum and Whiskey." he says. And by the way, you can do Jack Daniels on the rocks for only 5.00euros! 
    As we chat, Christoph takes a huge bag of peanuts and pours the peanuts in a big silver bucket, and he just puts huge piles right on the bar. "Food!" he says laughing. I try a couple of peanuts and he says, "just throw the peanuts on the floor!" Okay!Ähnliches Foto
                           LOCATED AT
     RED ROOSTER ALLEY 8  aka Roter Hahn 8   
     "I have peanuts. If you want food, there is pizza and kabob and traditional Bavarian food within 3 minutes right outside the door. People come here to drink and throw the peanuts on the floor!"Bildergebnis für 1950s housewife drinking cartoons
   And while they don´t really have a teacup where you can wear your flapper dress and be yourself, you can wear your flapper dress and lounge on the comfortable couches hidden behind the bar. There is leather seats, worn with care and many hours of laughter and friendship and barstools to chat about life with Christoph who says he has many friends from America who invite him to visit and that his girlfriend actually learned horsemanship in America. Note to tourists that of course includes backpackers, I love visiting Regensburg University asking the students what their favorite drinking bar is, "Apotheke," is always the answer. They have cocktail bars and dance clubs, but the hangout is "Apotheke" and Why? "Friendly owner and cheap beer and we can be ourselves..." are some of the answers. 
  And what else do people do in Regensburg, Germany? The fellow below, while saying that it is a 
Unesco Heritage Site, with a 1200 year old Stone Bridge and Cathedral, the Bavarians are most proud of the beer! And while it is a religious region, afterall Pope Benedict came from Regensburg, they love just sitting on the steps having their favorite brews! 
                       Boulderwelt Regensburg where you can learn to climb indoors! The Bavarians are very well known for their physical activity outside, too, such as                                                                                               Boulderwelting! 
They love to climb and hike and in Regensburg and also Munich Sebastian can be foud helping you learn the fun art  of Bouldering!  
   The Boulderwelt locations in Regensburg are very safe and if you wish to learn properly please ask the training team to help you. They LOVE helping people learn how to Boulder and it is super inexpensive. You could stay the entire day for only 7 euros to 10 euros and including the special boulder shoes they give to you add additional 4.00 euros. HOWEVER IF YOU MENTION EMMEANESBOOK THE SHOES ARE FREE TO USE TO CLIMB FROM BOULDERWELT AND SEBASTION!  It is super fun and the soft landings help you as you learn. If you have children they just built a safe child area of tiny bouldering upstairs and that way the children can learn in a safe environment and have fun too. 

   Boulderwelt Regensburg, in Gewerbepark, A46 on Bus lines 5 and 8. 

    Information at:   +49 941 89963606

           Risultati immagini per hempys regensburg
  Stephan owns the cool and funky Hempys of Regensburg with new ShiSha bongs and very expensive grown your own tents in the historic 15th century basement that the store is now located in. To find the store head to Wahlenstrasse 24 and find it in Regensburg. Tel. +49 941 5841091
  The downstairs is full of growing your own plants and includes my real cool tents that I love. They can help you with everything that you need, just ask and bring a car! 
  They have so many of these I told Stephan they reminded me of a Skateboard Surf Board place in Venice Beach California! You can create your own image!
Risultati immagini per hempys regensburg
  "The CBD products that we have make up some of the most varied that you can find in Germany and it is important to know about the legality of my shop, which is 100%!" says Stephan. 
             Meet Tommy Chong! 

   The team is super kind and helpful and especially the boss, Stephan, so don´t feel going in and asking tons of questions for Hempy´s to help you with all of your supplies you´ll need! 

The charming cafe is open to the Public and situated right opposite the lovely Palace of the Thurn und Taxis and as you can see they have real great sweets! Risultati immagini per cafe antoinette regensburg
  In the 1980s, Princess Gloria thew a ball for her husband, the Prince,the likes that had never been seen before or since, and rumor has it when she descended the grand stairway in the Palace with a 2 foot high powered white wig of Marie Antionette, the 500 guests had a moment of silenced awe...the real story of Marie Antionette is Archduchess Marie Antoinette was the 15th child and the last child of Holy Roman Emperor Francis I and the powerful Habsburg Empress Maria Theresa. At the time of the marriage Marie Antionette was only 14 years old when she married the futuer King Louis XVI, and the real reason was for political aspirations of forming a alliance between the enemies Austria and France from the 7 years war. 
    With the offer of the hand of the littlest child from the reigning French King, Dauphin Louis-Auguste, the alliance is formed!  Risultati immagini per cafe antoinette regensburg
  If it is the first day of you trying German Food in Regensburg, I hope you come here.
   German food is always known as Bratwurst or sauerkraut , yet here at the Cafe you can try some items that are not associated with making sour faces! Résultat de recherche d'images pour "antoinette cafe in regensburg germany"
                                          Emmeramspl. 6, 93047 Regensburg, Allemagne
              The Cafe is named Antionette, as in Marie Antionette, and since my sister happens to be named that I love the cafe and the family of Thurn und Taxis. That is when I am not falling over concrete posts near the Christmas Mercatos as I run to chase Albert aka Austin Powers, or trip down the stairs or fall flat on my face on the cobblestones. Yet he is real cute and thus far worth it! 
                                            Bildergebnis für orange bar regensburg      ORANGE BAR REGENSBURG Daniel Jacobs, the architect who says, "the Orange bar is my love and my hobby you could say." owns the funky Orange Bar in Regensburg Germany. "I have had it since 2006 and rarely am here at night now since I work in the day, yet a couple of times a month I come and have fun in my bar and actually work here. Everyday when I open the doors of the Orange Bar, I smile. I love the Austin Powers and flower child era and that is totally the Orange Bar." 
                  located at Keplerstraße 3Ähnliches Foto
  When we chatted on the December 22, a young college aged crowd soon wandered in. "It is usually that way on a Friday and Saturday, as the students seem to love the bar and either stay at  home drinking til midnight and then go to a Dance Club in Regensburg, or come here and talk a couple of hours, listening to the music and just being in a casual atmosphere. The bar is supposed to be a place where you can feel comfortable. My drinks are cheap compared to most places and it is really about the feeling of the Orange Bar, I guess that brings the people here. I have people of all ages, too. From 18 to 65!" laughs Daniel. 
About 15 minutes and here come two gorgeous 40 year old women with coiffed hair and dressed to the nines sitting at the bar ordering more exotic sophisticated drinks! About 5 minutes later, here come 4 business men laughing and ordering mojitos at their table. Very eclectic and very cozy with just the right touch of cool Austin Powers decor and light soft modern music.        
                                                  May be an image of outdoors
                                                            Bildergebnis für leerer beutel regensburg
The World Famous Jazz concerts at the Leerer Beutel´s studio space brings in 900 members and many guests from around Germany and the world. "Yes, we started as musicians and artists, as you know, and the restaurant is something that we had to do in order to keep our music space along time ago. Now, I don´t know whether the creativeness of the restaurant as the chef or the music is my favorite. We still have the guest artists that exhibit in the restaurant every year, too. That is something I try to encourage. To bring new artists to the recognition that they deserve. Now for a couple of months we have Normanno Locci from Italy. His paintings are very sensual and deep and rich. Very different than what we have exhibited in the past."
       Sie mit uns Ihre Familienfeier im Leeren Beutel


Förderpreisträger des Bayerischen Jazzverbandes im Rahmen des Hansjürg-Hensler-Wettbewerbs 2018 am Jazzfrühling Kempten
 Donnerstag January 10, 2019

  "We have the highest quality of local products. That is a must for me. I try to promote and use the local farmers and I insist on the highest quality. Good quality does not come cheap. We do have a student menu and a special tester menu at lunch everyday for only 7.20 euros. That is to introduce the slow cooking food to the guests. At night it is known at Leerer Beutel as being a elegant and romantic restaurant with lighted candles everywhere. 
              "It is a good combination of the fun of the jazz," says Winny, the owner of the coolest restaurant and jazz studio in Regensburg. Bertoldstraße 9 located at.
          Leerer Beutel Famous Restaurant, Jazz Club Regensburg, Independent Cinema, Art Museum, housed in Leerer Beutel. The inside of the restaurant is delicate and elegant amongst wooden beams and century old stone walls that are covered with the artists work.  They have such heavenly dishes as Farmduck, Pumpkin Soup, Salmon and veal, and Venison! It is a real fine dining experience with the coolest artisitic owners to indulge in conversation with. Bildergebnis für leerer beutel regensburg
                                                   Bildergebnis für rehorik coffee                                                                             Rehorik Coffee                               
"I have a new store right opposite the Rehorik Cafe where I give espresso lessons," sazs Heiko on December 13. "And we teach people how to use the coffee machines that we have in the store. They can be very expensive coffee making machines, for instance they start about $3,000.00 to $16,000.00. That is the big one!" he laughs and shows me the cool espresso makers. "We give lessons how to make each type of coffee and we give you lessons on how to make the flowers and the fancy pictures that you see barristers do. We sometimes have from 20 to 24 people in the classes. They love it." 
Bildergebnis für rehorik regensburg wines and spirits
Bildergebnis für rehorik coffee"The Rehorik Generations started in 1928 with my Great Grandfather who only roasted coffee in Karlsbad, Czech Republic which it is known as today. It was very famous in Karlsbad and the store lasted til 1945 when the war ended. The Russians came in and said to us, We are taking your store and all of the equipment, including the roaster. Either become a communist or leave today. We packed up and moved to Regensburg with only the clothes that we had. My grandfather traveled around europe playing in a band with a saxophone and made money to help my Great Grandfather who was starting up his new Roaster Coffee Store here and it opened in 1948 til today.  That is how they started out. My father is the one who really introduced wine and spirits to the name Rehorik since when he traveled with his music he discovered much.
Bildergebnis für rehorik coffee
My father is the cheese guy," says Heiko laughing. "I know it sounds funny, yet that is his love. And me, I take after my Great Grandfather since I truly love the roaster process of the beans. I love the therapy, the smell of the beans, the sound and the entire process and it is me that travels around the world meeting with the coffee farmers." Bildergebnis für rehorik coffee
"O yes, my fellow at the Rehorik Store on 
Gesandtenstraße 16 is like family to me. He is the only one that works at that store," laughs Heiko, who after 4 generations is the one and only Rehorik that is still actively working. 
Rehoriks wines include over 400 varieties and you are invited to try each one everyday, of course in both stores, however, make sure to come to the 90 year anniversary on Friday the 7th and Saturday 8th, from 11:30am til 2:00am to hear live bands, jazz bands, a tent in the side parking lot with wines, cheeses, Rehorik spirits, and tons of food, and a "very wild and crazy DJ friend of mine that can go like 7 hours straight playing great songs. 
    Last time I hired the DJ he played that long and at least 30 people danced the entire time in the middle of the wine store all night. It was funky and I named the Friday section of the 90th Anniversary Funky Friday for the DJ!" laughs Heiko. "I just got back from Prague today where I hired a drone and we video taped the entire area of the city of Karlsbad to show on the website to honor where the original Rehorik Heritage and Roasters started in the Czech Republic." he says. 

"Cafe 190 is my baby
and I love the cool cafe, especially where the people come to see in the open glass the entire process of the very old and very old-fashioned coffee roasting. 
        I love to roast coffee and I know you will love to watch me roast coffee." says Heiko. 
"Incidentally, roasting in the 190 ° is done in the old ball roaster from the 1920s, where you can look over our shoulders at our roasting masters while you eat brunch, taste a light breakfast and of course enjoy Rehoriks 90 year tradition of us as roasters of coffee!" 
       Gaststatte Rohrl, Guiness Book of World Record´s OIdest Restaurant in the World is located 11 kilometers from Regensburg in a country village, owned 12 generations(if you count the little ones) of the same family named Rohrl, who added a addition of a Modern mixed with 14th century edition Hotel next door where the brewery used to be, run by the brother Andreas and wife Katerina.  Below is Karin and Muk and children. 
                                            Bildergebnis für Gaststatte Rohrl,
      The restaurant is located in Eilsbrunn, which from Regensburg is a number 27 Bus, at the Train Station, 12 minute ride. Easy to do. (09404 / 21 12)
        Regensburger Str. 3, 93161 Sinzing
       "People ask us why the food that we serve is traditional yet not of the 1600s recipes and I have a great reason why. A couple of years ago we all decided in Germany to test a white gloved librarian edition of the ancient cookings of the 16th century Wild Boar. Okay we thought, let's try it. We forgot that they had to use tons of vinegar and salt to preserve the meat back then. Which means that it is very sour with the vinegar since they used mega amounts of vinegar and salt. You squished up your nose when tasting it, trust me. Now we tweak it a little and it is much better, still traditional with my Great Grandparent's recipes, yet not 340 years old!" "My hardworking team preferred the modern traditional recipes and while we do use the 125 year old ones, we always try to find new recipes to test." 
      "How does it feel to be famous with the number one restaurant in the World?," Muk answers me, "I guess when you are the 11th generation, you are sorta used to it; however, I need to learn how to advertise the restaurant better. After all there is only one of a kind in the entire world, not to mention a couple of years since we had a Motion Picture filmed here named Adele Spitzeder, a famous bank loan shark in the 17th Century and they filmed two weeks in the wedding room and outside. That is totally cool, too. And we have Television specials focused on the restaurant and I have my own cooking youtube videos, and of course the museum upstairs that the educational groups visit." he says. O and if we forget to mention that his hobby is "Being a DJ at the big clubs in Regensburg on the weekends and weddings!" "The importance to me is the family and tradition and the fact that every item is homecooked and handmade. As you can see we spend hours just making the dumplings in the kitchen in the mornings for the big service starting at 5:00pm." says Muk. 
               GUINESS BOOK OF
                    WORLD RECORDS
            At the Rohrl's second restaurant, THE DANCING BEAR, BRANDL BRAU, it is all about the food! 
                                     Ã„hnliches Foto
"The legend is that in the early 1500s, the circus came to town. The innkeeper of the restaurant, The Brandl Bear, had to protect his restaurant. The bear owner came and tried to steal the restaurant owner's money and had the bear with him. The bear reared up and attacked the bear owner and chased the robber away! The Innkeeper and owner of the Brandl Bear decided to chain the bear outside the restaurant to scare away robbers. I guess it worked and hence the name." says Muk. I ask if it is true and he gives a mischievious smile, "It is as the legend says it is." 
     UM....THE PIG DIDN'T FARE SO WELLÄhnliches Foto
       The Dancing Bear is one of my favorite traditional restaurants and at the very experienced and capable hands of the Rohrl family of 11 generations who own the oldest restaurant in the World in Eilsbrunn, it has flourished since changing ownerships in 2013. "We have a great legend and I guess true story of the bear, do you want to hear it?" asks Muk when I see him at the totally awesome festival on June 24, at the restaurant. Of course I do says me...
          Located at Ostengasse 16, Regensburg


"When I design of course as a Master Goldsmith sometimes the jewelry item that I am creating doesn´t exactly match the one I started to make. It all depends on the client. I have a idea that I start with and we work with each other. Mr. Mulbacher goes around the world to jewel shows and he chooses the stones. When he arrives back, he gives me the stones and tells me about each one. He tells me if he wants earrings made from such and such a diamond or a bracelet or necklace. I sketch what I imagine his vision is and he tweaks it a little. Sometimes he knows exactly what he wants and I make it. Or other times we work directly with the client that wants a custom ordered item," says the Master Goldsmith who I have had the pleasure of interviewing the last two years. It is fun to chat with him! 
   "Of course I love my job. I get to work with the most precious gems in the world and usually I can create my own vision of the gem´s best fitting. It is real fun to work with Mr. Mulbacher and I would definitely say that we are a great team here, " says the Master Goldsmith of Mulbachers!  Ähnliches Foto

I ask the Master Goldsmith if he travels around the world with Mr. and Mrs. Mulbacher buying the stones? He laughs, "That is Mr. Mulbacher´s job," he says, "I guess when you have 112 years and 4 generations of knowledge, and you are  a trained Goldsmith, you better be good at choosing the gems. Each Goldsmith is a designer in a sense and has his or her own style, such as the great fashion designers. Everybody around the world knows Mulbacher designs. I trust when Mr. Mulbacher gives me a stone and tells me what he wants designed from it. He sees my designs and I hope he is impressed and I learn from him everyday," says the Master Goldsmith at Muhlbacher's.
       My beautiful room at the Orphee, the Junior Suite, sponsored me 5 days with...loved it.
                     Orphee Hotel and Restaurant
                          Untere Bachgasse 8
                           0049 941 5 960 20
  The Orphee Restaurant and Hotel in Regensburg Germany is French, lovely and the team great. I stayed at the Orphee about 5 nights my very first visit to Regensburg and loved Annette, my host, and her boss is Micheal. They have gorgeous rooms, one of which is my Jr. Suite with about 6 different sitting rooms, old wooden floors, dining tables in the middle piled with books and fruit bowls and daily bottles of free house wine!
     The Jerusalem room is saved for a lovely old ballerina that used to come here in the 1950s. You can reserve it complete with a open wooden floor and claw bathtub, if you are not shy, in the middle of a huge room. However, if the little ballerina comes back, it is her room

  from the orphee.... Restaurant Orphée is considered to be the most authentic French Bistro east of the river Rhine.
Since 1896 the interior of the restaurant with its vintage wainscotting and wood partitions has been preserved virtually untouched. Red plush settees and marble tables await you in the front bistro area of the restaurant, wainscotting and formally laid-out tables with Thonet chairs in the rear restaurant area. The Orphée is a timeless „classic“, open every day for eighteen hours, serving many a function: breakfast in all sorts of variations, daily a modest yet exquisite menu for the noontime visitors, in the afternoons a relaxed Viennese-type coffeehouse, in the evenings plenty of buzz and bustle, after 10 p.m. the bar takes over. The cuisine of the Restaurant Orphée is Mediterranean yet without frills. 
     The bars of Regensburg, Germany, of which they rank 2 in the world for most bars per person, and although that could seem impressive the coolest thing about the bars of the Historical Heritage Site City is that each one is either in a brick stable, or dungeon! or old Palace...they are each individual and each one more beautiful than the next. It is quite amazing to see even the Irish Pub of Regensburg in a 1300 year old cellar! ha.                                     The famous Irish Bar Murphys Law.  
      With Irish Music lessons weekly and Pub Quiz in German and English great fun! 
Image result for murphy's law regensburg
Must come for game night where they do questions and trivial pursuit and you have each table be a team. Every week they have games to involve the locals and the tourists, and the University that came a couple of years now to the ancient city has brought 25,000 students each year to mingle with the locals!                               Spielgelgasse 6 Regensburg Germany
Bildergebnis für murphys law pub regensburg
                    Love the Guinness 
           Related image
                     And I especially love the Kasper Bar one and two, although honestly with 150 specialty bars hidden and tucked down cobblestoned alleys, some with live music every night, you are sure to find a favorite!                             Výsledek obrázku pro kaspar bar regensburg                                                                                                                
Související obrázek
 With young bartenders, cool music and great cocktails, Kasper has been a favorite of the youth of Germany in Regensburg many years. Hope you love it.!
                       Hinter Der Grieb 5 KA5PER | Cocktailbar, Catering & Lieferservice
               For the 30 plus ages always has great rock music on Fridays at Jalepenos! 
Výsledek obrázku pro jalapenos regensburg<
Happy Hour bei Jalapenos Regensburg - Bestes Restaurant Regensburg - Beste  Happy Hours in Regensburg
    My good friend, Daniel, owns Jalepenos Bar & restaurant located at Schottenstrasse 4
Shout out to our... - Jalapenos Mexican Bar and Grill